Organizational and Leadership Transformation

How Process Consulting

Your Journey is Unique.

We're here to walk with you in and through the challenges you face.

Visioning & Strategic Planning


  • I constantly find myself in the weeds of the organization and don't have a good pulse on future strategy.

  • I have some incredible people on my team, but I often feel like I'm herding cats without a clear focus.

  • We have a lot of short-term goals we're tackling, but I feel like what's next is always unknown.

Visioning and strategic planning for an organization often starts with alignment and clarity.

Have you ever found yourself thinking or feeling like getting alignment and a clear path for your future is just wishful thinking?

Core Competencies:

  • Vision Discovery

  • Mission & Core Values

  • Strategic Plan Creation & Implementation

  • Multi-Scenario Planning

  • Competitor Analysis

Organizational Governance


  • We are unclear on who is governing and what role each of us plays in planning, decision making, and implementation.

  • We spend too much time debating issues we thought were resolved, we dig around for historical information and end up rewriting policies and responsibilities based on the strongest voice in the room.

  • Long-term board members and leaders are retiring and with that, we’re noticing how much of their knowledge is not clearly documented.

High-quality organizational governance, at every level, supports and advances the organization's mission, vision, and core values.

Governance requires a clear understanding of the purposes of our governing, who plays what governing role, what are our desired outcomes from our governing, and when and how do we proceed towards these success factors.

Core Competencies:

  • Governance models, culture, and best practice

  • Governance roles and responsibilities
  • Board and leadership self-assessment and feedback

  • Team dynamics and relationship building

Strategic Interim


  • Our senior executive is leaving, and we need help building a plan for a successful transition.
  • There are a lot of moving parts within our organization and we want stability during a time of significant organizational change. Where do we start?

  • During a time of transition, we want to take a step back and assess our internal systems and processes in order to better align them for success in the future.

Transformation for any leader or organization involves building engagement and listening to needs. The complexities of an organization and the dynamics of the people involved can often cause conflict and challenges. 

Do you need help navigating the changes ahead?

Core Competencies:

  • Interim Ministry

  • Transition and Succession Planning

  • Executive Search

  • Internal & External Communication Strategy

  • Internal Interviews & Culture Assessment

Coaching & Executive Advising


  • I'm a leader who is transitioning to more responsibility and want to develop my senior leadership or executive persona.
  • As a seasoned leader, I'd like to keep learning and find new resources and peer engagement for my growth.
  • For whatever reason, I keep getting stuck in my work with others and can't seem to find a better approach.

Leadership coaching and executive advising require listening for what is emerging for you as a leader. As guides, our role is to help co-create a clear path forward with you towards your leadership goals and objectives. 

Are you needing help navigating the challenges ahead?

Core Competencies:

  • Executive Leadership Coaching

  • Leadership Team Coaching

  • Group Coaching
  • Executive Advising
  • Executive Leadership Cohorts
  • Leadership Plans

  • Individual and Team Assessments

  • Individual Alignment with Organizational Goals

Philanthropy & Charitable Giving


  • We'd like to help educate our team on capital campaigns and funding initiatives, but we don't know where to start.

  • We want to better understand how to connect a donor's charitable interest with the type of gift they could make that would align with their charitable goals.
  • We are depending on the same people to give year after year. We need help inspiring new and younger donors to get involved and support our vision for the future.

  • We'd like to strengthen our philanthropic and planned giving program and need help building a plan.

Listening to donors and understanding shifts in your donor audience is critical as you adapt with the changes your organization is facing.

Have you stepped back to understand why support is needed?

Core Competencies:

  • Feasibility Studies

  • Donor Engagement

  • Capital Campaigns & Annual Fundraising Planning

  • Charitable Gift Planning
  • Fundraising Assessment & Benchmarking

  • Marketing & Communication Integration
  • Gift Acceptance & Endowment Policies

Culture Change


  • We know what we love (or hate!) about our organization's culture, but how do we evolve it?

  • We have many strengths and sometimes are uncertain how to unpack what is really going on with our culture, let along how to address it.

  • Our team is managing many things, we are unsure about adding a culture change initiative to our work load.

  • We believe that if we invest in evolving our culture, we will be able to improve our employee's and customer's experience.

By using a humble inquiry and process approach you are able to gain clarity on your organization's culture as well as a path forward. 

Discovery - By building a common language, framework, and understanding of your organization's culture we can clearly see and talk about what we are experiencing

  • How equitable and inclusive is your culture? What norms of communication, decision making, and goal-setting do we employ? How do power and privilege show up in our work environment? Who is centered and who is on the margins?

  • How is our culture living out, or pushing against, our mission, vision and values?

Analysis - Unpack and gain clarity on the current cultural of your organization.

  • What is the structure of our culture? How is our culture practiced?

  • How do we make meaning of this information? What else do we need/want to know?

  • What implications does the structure and practice of our culture have for our organization and employees?

  • How can we make our organizational culture more inclusive and equitable, growing spaces of belonging?

Envision a Desired Future Culture - begin to articulate a desired cultural future for your organization.

  • What does your culture look like?
  • How is your culture practiced and structured?
  • How do your employees, customers, and community experience your organization's culture? 

Culture Change Initiative - Co-design a framework and roadmap to meet your envisioned culture.

  • Determine who will be leading the culture change initiative and how others will be involved.
  • Determine what learning needs to take place so that everyone is positioned to adapt and evolve.

  • Outline practical and adaptable next steps that will help move you and your organization in the desired direction. 

  • Determine what support is needed along the way.

Core Competencies:

  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
  • Culture Change Leadership
  • Team Effectiveness

  • Culture Study

  • Organizational & Leadership Learning Models

  • Community & Relationship Building

Organizational Assessment & Evaluation


  • We don’t have clarity on what’s happening in our competitive landscape.
  • We want a clearer understanding of what stakeholders think about our organization’s services, outcomes, and future. We need data!
  • We need to redirect resources to focus on what makes us compelling to both our existing and new clients and stakeholders.
  • We say "yes" to everything in this organization. We seem to always be adding more or looking for that “one thing” that will create sustainability and lasting change.
  • How do we gain clarity on what we should stop doing, and where are the strategic opportunities where we must focus our time, energy, and resources?

Organizational assessments and evaluations help bring clarity, focus, and direction by aligning your internal resources (people, programs, stated priorities) with your current resources and external marketplace realities.

Core Competencies:

  • Assessment:
    • Program assessment and prioritization
    • Customized market studies on price elasticity and brand perception
    • Key stakeholder engagement – both internal and external
  • Evaluation:
    • Survey design, formulation, and preparation
    • Data collection, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and reporting
    • Stakeholder engagement, interviews, focus groups, and listening sessions
    • Technical assistance and capacity-building
    • Logic model development
    • Multi-scenario planning

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Hear From Our Clients

"Kate Frillmann is extremely capable in her ability to work alongside non-profit leadership to create, grow, and sustain a fund development program. Emmanuel Hospice was a new non-profit, just beginning fundraising, and Kate was integral to helping us learn and create fund development practices that established a road map and successfully built stronger relationships with our donors. She helped us assess what was necessary to grow our philanthropy, and assisted in the job creation and hire of our first development director position. She is respected in the community, by our Board of Directors, committee volunteers and staff. Kate brought enthusiasm and a genuine interest to help us grow our organization and serve more people through increased donor support and board involvement. I highly recommend working with her."

Linda's strategic facilitation and leadership experiences played an integral role in our business unit securing a critical partnership with a network of large, public universities.

Recognizing the complexity involved with bringing more than 10 institutions together serving 500,000 students annually, Linda took the holistic approach of understanding each one's unique demands so that all perspectives were valued.

Linda's work created a clear, compelling framework for collaboration that made our organization the obvious partner for these universities. Any organization navigating complex strategic challenges will benefit from her time-tested, results-oriented expertise.

Kim Stezala provided us with a comprehensive evaluation of our national scholarship program. I appreciated that there were never any surprises with Kim. She kept the evaluation moving by adhering to the agreed-upon timeline and always respects the client's time. Every call or meeting was productive, efficient, and focused on the outcomes of the evaluation. Kim was a pleasure to work with, but most importantly, she provided us with thoughtful analysis and a roadmap for program improvement.
Among her many skills and areas of expertise, Deanna Rolfs provides excellent leadership in working with groups to effect change within their organizations. My team benefited greatly from a strategic and operational planning process she led as we were seeking to strengthen our work in the areas of curriculum development and professional development for teachers. As we concluded our sessions, we understood our work more deeply and had developed a plan with specific actions that would better help us achieve our vision and goals. I especially appreciated Deanna's expertise, her calm demeanor, her careful listening, and her ability to take what she heard and apply the process to our particular situation. I recommend her without reservation.
"Jeanne led us through six sessions, from team-building to ecocycle planning and debriefing. Her professional skills, insights, and warm personality were evident throughout the day. Within a week following our retreat, Jeanne provided us with a comprehensive “strategic planning road map” that will be invaluable to our ministry as we move forward. We at Open Arms highly recommend Jeanne Jantzi to any organization that needs a consultant to guide them through a long-range planning process."
Sara Lowe Derrell Jackson Debbie Doles Ruth Moxon Daniel L. King
Sara Lowe, Executive Director, Emmanuel Hospice
Derrell Jackson, Director of University Partnerships, East Coast Coursera
Debbie Kahle Doles - Consulting Client, Assistant Director, Elks National Foundation
Ruth Moxon, Consultant, Kent Intermediate School District
Daniel L. King, Board Chair of Open Arms Hispanic Ministries