We've compiled all the Designed to Flourish resources in one place to connect with the Newsletters, Episodes, Podcasts, Workshops, Retreats, and Coaching and Consulting.
The Newsletter offers insights and keeps you connected to what's happening around the Designed to Flourish movement.
Our semi-regular workshops give you a glimpse into flourishing as a leader, team, and organization and help you take your next step forward.
The hosted YouTube conversations offer insights and reflections from leaders in various fields as they flourish from their unique perspectives.
The Audio Podcast offers insights and reflections from leaders in various fields as they flourish from their unique perspectives.
Our virtual and in-person retreats are designed to create a space for your personal and professional flourishing. Our team and board retreats equip you to collectively flourish.
We walk alongside you as a leader, team, and organization with a process approach to c0-create your personal pathway to flourishing through coaching and consulting.
I'm Matt Visser, a Senior Design Partner at Design Group International. My passion is empowering flourishing leaders, teams, and organizations.
I bring a wealth of experience to our partnership, having previously helped college students find their purpose and now focusing on guiding leaders toward personal and organizational flourishing.
As a process consultant, I walk alongside leaders to navigate challenges, discover creative solutions, and achieve their goals through a transformational process. I believe in building trust and collaboration to cultivate a lasting impact.
Reach out to plan your retreat, design your personal path toward flourishing, or ask a specific question.