My gift to readers of A Cause Greater.

Dear friends, over the last seven months, we’ve been on an adventure to discover your next steps in developing as a leader.

We have been seeing through the visible elements of ourselves into those components of our leadership that are invisible. In doing so, we are helping make the invisible visible, creating opportunities for our growth and development.

Ultimately, this is the journey of being a human. As leaders, this adventure continues throughout our entire life.

We started this leadership journey by understanding how to be fully integrated as a leader. For me, the journey of integration is about being a multi-rested leader: having a calm heart, quiet mind, and still hands.

As you adventure on your journey as a leader, attached please find a short e-book on becoming a multi-rested leader. It summarizes my thinking, writing, and doing on how to become a rested and more integrated leader.

I hope you enjoy it and share it with others. Here is to helping our world become a more integrated place to live and thrive.

Mind how you go,


Lon Signature_Cropped      

New Lon Lon L. Swartzentruber

Design Group International

Managing Partner & CEO 

Interim - CEO, Society for Process Consulting


If you’d like to go deeper in your journey of leadership, please schedule a call. I’d be honored to listen and learn more about your journey as a leader and where you’d like to go next.


Here is what is in my backpack

Co-Active Leadership: Five Ways to Lead by Karen and Henry Kimsey-House

A New Way to Think by Roger L. Martin

Imaginable by Jane McGonigal



Lon L. Swartzentruber
Post by Lon L. Swartzentruber
June 11, 2024
I walk alongside leaders, listening to understand their challenges, and helping them lead healthy organizations that flourish.
