Time is a Significant Gift
Time is a finite resource; once spent you can never get it back. When one gives of his or her time to your organization, that is an incredibly valuable gift.
Volunteers play an increasingly important and powerful role in many nonprofit organizations. Some people volunteer by packing lunches for kids other than their own, by stocking shelves at thrift stores with donated goods, or by planting trees to keep soil from eroding. Volunteering takes many forms.
Volunteers Go The Extra Mile
A few years ago, I met with a long-time volunteer who had served an organization for many years. He served on its capital campaign committee in the ‘80s, he served on the board of trustees in the ’90s, and he also gave of his time to meet with my client and me.
As we sat and listened to his stories, I was struck by the fact that the arc of his involvement spanned decades, through various organizational leaders, organizational triumphs, and difficult challenges. He believed fervently in the mission of the organization and its impact on the community it served, and it showed.
When we met together, the organization was experiencing a particular challenge. Many donor relationships had lapsed, and the new executive director needed help restarting them. Over the course of our meeting, we reviewed a list of key relationships that, if rekindled, would position the organization for significant future success.
This volunteer’s willingness to review the list with us was not a surprise; it was the premise of our meeting. What was a surprise was that he was ready to go the extra mile to help us reconnect with the people on that list.
People who care about a cause almost always respond to an expressed need with an authentic desire to help.
How Can You More Deeply Engage Your Volunteers?
Volunteers are cut from a special cloth, and they care about your organization more than you might realize. Engaging them in reconnecting with lapsed donors is an excellent way of keeping them involved in the mission of your organization while you work together to propel that mission forward.
Questions or comments? Let’s connect!
Have a thought, question or example you’d like to share? Please use the comments area below.
If you’d like to discuss ways to engage your volunteers in building authentic donor relationships, please reach me lons@designgroupintl.com or call me at 616.516.9870.
deep dive, nonprofit, fundraising and campaign consulting, stakeholder engagement, A Cause Greater Blog/Lon%20L.%20Swartzentruber%20Headshot%20(300x300).png)
March 12, 2019