Charting a successful course forward for any fundraising effort (such as a capital campaign, funding initiative, or end of the year appeal) is important. It focuses you, engages your donors, and builds your broader constituency’s ability to fulfill your mission. Back in February, I introduced these three elements…now in the midst of COVID-19, they are still true and even more relevant than ever before!
- articulating a clear sense of purpose, the campaign’s “why.”
- developing deep and committed relationships to your cause.
- using time as your ally.
This week we are going to unpack Essential Element #1: Identifying the campaign’s “why,” or its clear sense of purpose.
While this is a simple idea, leaders often take shortcuts by making assumptions rather than deeply exploring foundational questions like “Why are we doing this?” and “What do we hope to achieve through this campaign? “
Process consultants love asking leaders “why” questions. It helps to uncover the reality of what leaders hope to accomplish, no matter what it is. Without a clear sense of purpose, leaders are unable to:
- bring internal and external alignment
- create ownership for what they hope to accomplish
- focus on the tasks that need to take place to achieve these purposes
(Click on the above image to watch a short video on the 3 Essential Elements of any Successful Fundraising Campaign.)
An acquaintance called one day and asked if I could help her with a capital campaign. My first question was this: What did she hope to achieve through the campaign?
A conversation ensued that helped her articulate several key organizational issues that needed to be addressed. Some of those challenges could be met by a successful capital campaign. Others, however, would require deeper organizational dialogue, understanding, and change. (If addressed, those deeper issues had the potential to create significant value and provide long-term improvement well after the campaign was completed, but that is a different story.)
Through a process approach we were able to clearly articulate the campaign’s case for support—its “why.” This created alignment around the central purpose of the campaign, starting with internal stakeholders.
Once my friend began sharing the vision for the future of the organization and how the campaign would bring that to fruition, people began aligning themselves towards this purpose and greater vision, including external stakeholders. Now we had an army ready to charge toward the goals of the campaign, which brought much-needed focus to our efforts and the energy needed to achieve the tasks at hand.
I know it sounds simple, but the most important things often are. Articulating the purpose of the campaign must always, always must come first. During COVID-19, this is more relevant than ever before.
COVID-19 has changed almost everything and we are in unprecedented times. If you would like to schedule a no-cost 30-minute discovery call about how to craft your fall fundraising appeal, please click on this link, to schedule your call today. I’d be honored to walk alongside you and your organization during these very challenging times.
As always, please feel free to call me at 616.516.9870 or e-mail me at
I’m here to do everything I can to help you fulfill the mission of your organization and look forward to hearing from you.
Process Consultation, nonprofit leadership, organizational purpose, Non-Profit Leadership, capital campaigns, stewardship services, Fundraising, fund raising, leadership and communication, capital campaign communications, Change Management, leadership communication, fundraising philosophy, relationship building, lon swartzentruber, advancement, nonprofits, fundraising and campaign consulting, coaching, crisis communication, crisis, Coronavirus, COVID-19, A Cause Greater Blog/Lon%20L.%20Swartzentruber%20Headshot%20(300x300).png)
July 7, 2020