Being a CEO and a Board Member
Episode #51 of the Third Turn Podcast with Dr. Sherry Jennings
In the words of this episode’s guest Dr. Sherry Jennings, who in her own Third Turn mentors and serves organizations through Sound Governance LLC:
“A group of board members who are authentic servant leaders and who have a firm grasp on their role as governors can truly make a difference. As this podcast was recorded, we're experiencing some troubling times. I want to quote Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, ‘In any dark time, there is a tendency to veer toward fainting over how much is wrong or unmended in the world. Do not focus on that. There is a tendency, too, to fall into being weakened by dwelling on what is outside your reach, by what cannot yet be. Do not focus there.’ Focus instead on what you can do, what you're called to do, what strengths you bring to the world, and the positive future you envision.”
Dr. Jennings helps us do just that in this first of two podcast episodes focused on good governance. Her background in industrial sales and industrial psychology, and her real-world experience with boards confused about where to focus their efforts and meetings, all served as hooks to better understand a board’s role and, ultimately, its core contribution to help the organization deliver on its mission on behalf of the community it serves.
Our conversation covers lots of ground--distinguishing between the board and executive functions, unique dynamics for CEOs stepping into board positions, servant leadership, and her interesting mantra, especially for a board: “Don’t give advice unless you’re asked for it.”
You’ll appreciate the clarity and perspective with which she shares--which also speaks well of the refreshing focus with which she serves.
Resources Dr. Jennings recommends:
- Marcus Buckingham who reminds us to bring love back into our work and leadership.
- Jason Ryan Dorsey, who reminds us each generation has a pivotal moment that shapes their lives.
- Positive psychology provides a foundation for resilience and grit backed by scientific research.
- “Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry are at the heart of my practice as a Third Turn mentor. From the website "Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play." - Dr. Sherry Jennings
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About The Third Turn Podcast & Maestro-level leaders:
With each episode of the Third Turn Podcast, we host a conversation among leaders who want the world to flourish for generations beyond their lifetimes.
Listening with others in some way and enjoying in-depth conversations of your own as you reflect and choose what you would do the same or differently is a plus!
We always welcome you sharing these podcasts with others as well as sending along any suggestions for making these podcasts better.
The Third Turn Podcast is part of the Maestro-level leaders initiative, a production of Design Group International. Strategically Connected's Jennifer Miller is the producer.

July 19, 2022