What’s the furthest limit of what you can see as possible for yourself? Can you expand that a step further? Where does your imagination end?
Meet Angel Alvarado from Columbia.
I watched Angel accomplish something incredible and couldn’t help but be amazed by him! Here’s a breakdown of what he did to break that record,
- He learned how to solve one cube efficiently.
- He spent 5 months learning how to solve on cube while juggling
- He then spent another 4 months learning how to solve 3 at a time!
- He then trained and trained until he could cut his time down to break the record at 4:31.01. UNBELIEVABLE!
How can we call be more like Angel in our lives and test the limits of what’s possible?
Remember, you are creative, resourceful, and whole! Here’s a place to start as you think about testing your limits and expanding the possibilities for yourself and others.
Choose ONE thing!
Like Angel, you need to focus your full attention on something you find important and worthy of your time, energy, and best effort. What’s your one thing? If I googled your name a year ago, what story would you want to show up?
10x your Learning
Like Angel, dedicate your time and energy to learning as much as possible about that ONE thing. Abandon the need to be perfect, embrace a growth mindset, and learn as much as you possibly can about that thing. What does it take the be your best?
10x your Practice and Fail (a lot)
Like Angel, you have to get to work and apply your learning to what you are trying to learn. Can you imagine how many times he dropped the cubes over the course of 9 months for us to have the chance to see him break that record in 4.5 minutes?
Show your Work
Whatever limits you are testing, get out there and show your work to others. Don’t keep your learning and practice to yourself. In a community with others, we can grow and get better and better.
Moving Toward Mastery
Once Gladwell said it takes 10,000 hours to build mastery of something through dedicated practice and focused attention. I’m appreciative that that research has been challenged a bit. When you choose one thing, 10x your learning, 10x your practice, and show your work, you will be moving toward mastery.
You can’t be juggling runic cube solvers, that one is taken (or is it? Records are meant to be broken, just ask Kareem 😂)
Whatever you are pursuing, you’re worth it, you’re deserving, your brilliant, and you’re awesome! The world needs are best!
May we all be more like Angel, test our limits, and expand our possibilities!
February 15, 2023