I had the privilege to join Symposia Labs as part of their #continuechange virtual summit helping nonprofit leaders navigate fundraising and marketing during #covid19. We discussed the Power of Listening and why it is essential when engaging your audiences, including your donors.
You can connect with the entire virtual summit and all the conversations and resources at https://symposialabs.com/continuechange/. Connect with others and add your voice to the conversation.
Imagine a moment in your life when someone REALLY listening to you. How did it make you feel? What impact did it make?
- Matt Visser
#ContinueChange Virtual Summit Conversation:
Listening First, Engage Second
Listen First: Engage Second (Live Discussion) from Timothy Haines on Vimeo.
The Power of Listening First
“Being listened to is so close to being loved, that most people can’t tell the difference.”
– David Augsberger, Psychotherapist
We build trust
- We offer authenticity and transparency
- We strengthen relationships
We find direction
- We better understand the current reality
- We uncover real challenges
We gain clarity
- We can uncover what’s most important
- We can see the pathways of opportunity
Engaging our Donors from a Listening Posture
Creating Two-Way Conversations
- Virtual Meals or Coffee – Curiosity
- Empathy Check-in Calls or Text Messages –Authenticity
- Zoom Small Group Gatherings – Community
Second Best, Make it Personal
- Personalized Gratitude Videos – Gratitude
- Snail Mail Letters of Thanks - Encouragement
- Quarantine Care Packages - Kindness
Download the slide deck as a shared resource.
Interested in learning more about the power of listening to help transform your fundraising strategy and donor relationships?
I'm happy to connect, listen to your story and current challenges, and support your transformation as a leader and an organization.
process consulting, leadership development, stakeholder engagement, Nonprofit Fundraising, Vibrant Futures Blog/Matt%20Visser%20Headshot%20(300x300).png)
May 6, 2020