The escalation over COVID-19 around the world has sent shock waves through businesses and organizations of all sizes and scopes. Within your organization, there is most likely a crisis management team already hard at work navigating the immediate challenges, scenario planning for various levels of impact, and developing new ways of doing business.
If you are witnessing your management team taking action, but don’t have a direct role in managing the crisis, here are 5 ways you can support that team from any position in your organization.
1. Follow the advice of leaders and adhere to their recommendations
Read the communications they send thoroughly, listen to their advice, take all guided recommendations seriously, and encourage others to do the same. Staying informed, listening well, and following directions are really helpful for the crisis team.
2. Stay focused on doing your job well
Business doesn’t stop when faced with an escalating challenge. Get your task list completed quickly and work ahead on big projects in order to free up time for problem-solving. Doing an excellent job in your role helps alleviate stress for the crisis team.
3. Proactively solve problems
Many of the people who spend much of their time anticipating or solving new problems are tied up on dealing directly with the escalating crisis. Be proactive in anticipating possible problems and create solutions without being asked. Track down answers to be the best of your ability. If you genuinely don't know the answer, don't guess.
4. Build a Peer Network for support
Team up with your fellow managers and team members to address the challenges you are finding. Your peer support can be a great guide to helping solve the problems you don’t know the answers to immediately. This network minimizes the need to elevate challenges to management teams who are dealing directly with the crisis.
5. Communicate Clearly and Concisely
Give timely updates to your supervisor on the problems you have found and the solutions you are creating. Offer clear, concise, and curated lists of unresolved issues for consideration as time allows.
These are just a few simple ways you can support your crisis management team as they work hard to navigate the daily challenges to address the escalating coronavirus reality. You play a key role in helping your organization navigate the challenges ahead.
Peace be with you (and wash your hands).
Matt Visser
Matt Visser is a Senior Consultant with Design Group International. He has invested over 19 years in growing nonprofit organizations and his greatest joy is empowering adaptive leaders to tackle complex problems.
To learn more about Design Group International and its’ work helping leaders and organizations transform for a vibrant future, visit
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March 9, 2020