Think about the last time you attended a conference and filled out the evaluation. How satisfied were you with the venue, the food choices, logistics, speakers, etc.?
The degree to which I was satisfied with the event is not my main measure of success – that is the organizer’s definition based on their own parameters of what conference-goers expect.
When I attend an industry event, success means building long-term relationships with professionals in my field. Sure, the attendance experience makes a difference but it is secondary to my long-term goal.
When I work with consulting Clients, mostly in educational access and equity, it is apparent that I possess many of the technical skills they require and they could “check the boxes” at the end of our Client-consultant engagement about their level of satisfaction. That is important, but I want them to be successful, not merely satisfied.
The core competency of Client Success in Process Consulting is based on Four Pillars:
- Purposeful facilitative leadership of the Process Design, or agreement, that is designed, managed and modified as needed with the Client. They can check the boxes and move on but do they feel a sense of true success?
- Compelling brand values that inspire the Client’s decision to choose and stay with the Process Consultant - and the process - through a listening, helping and learning framework. No shortcuts here.
- Ecosystem engagement that exemplifies professionalism when a Client interacts with the Process Consultants’ administrative platform such as communication, contractual agreements, billing, etc.
- Client connectedness is based on the reality that Clients talk with each other. True Client Success can reinforce opportunities to walk alongside new potential Clients as they build their own version of success. I want to be a part of that.
Ultimately, Clients get to define and measure success. For me, this often appears in the form of “rave, refer or re-hire” from the Client’s perspective vs. “Yes, we were satisfied with your services.”
To be sure, I’ve made mistakes and focused solely on Client satisfaction, getting the work done and being happy with the outcomes…however, to be an exemplar as a Process Consultant we need to look at the bigger picture and keep the pillars at the forefront of our work with Clients.
How will you determine true Client Success in your consulting work? How will your Clients?
Walking alongside,
Kim Stezala
Design Group International
Senior Partner
The core competencies of process consulting have been developed and are taught by the Society for Process Consulting. If you are interested in receiving your credential in process consulting please visit our website.

August 17, 2023