I recently spoke with a friend who worked on the book series, What To Expect When You Are Expecting. The spirit of this series which has sold over 42 million copies, been translated into 44 languages, distributed in 38 countries and the basis of the What to Expect Foundation is to provide a safe space for people to learn about what they may not know and help them to frame the questions to advocate for themselves. The Foundation was started to mobilize a movement toward agency and positive change. One book review reads, “Every question answered. Every scientific insight provided. Every best and worst practice.”

The beauty of this international bestseller is that it provides safe access to resources and information whether you are on your own or in community. This movement recognizes that answers are not accessible to everyone, and we may not even know our questions.

As I am looking forward to the first annual Society for Process Consulting Conference, Designing Process That Transforms: Listening, Helping, Learning I am wondering what am I expecting? I will be listening to and learning from some wonderful speakers, collaborating with thoughtful and insightful colleagues and being helped by and helping other participants.

What questions might I have about Process Consulting as a partner in Design Group International and what are the questions I don’t even know? This will be a safe space to ask my questions, test out my theories and learn alongside experts and newcomers to Process Consulting. I wonder what other participants are expecting and how can I walk alongside them so they leave the conference well informed and eager to learn more?

My personal walk through, visualization, or mental rehearsal can sometimes be riddled with self-doubt, saboteur, or imposter syndrome. One way I work through these feelings is by remaining curious. It helps to shift my mindset to knowing I am not alone and I am seeking. As I think of others who will be attending the conference, they too may not know what to expect. Moving toward curiosity and service can help me to ask myself who will I be listening to and who might be listening to me? Who can help me get the most out of the conference and who can I help during the conference? Who will I be learning from and with, what will I learn and how can I take that back to my clients?

Conferences can feel a bit lonely and overwhelming if we go internal and imagine only ourselves moving through these questions and events. If we can enter the space with openness and curiosity, we can steer toward learning. I am inspired by my colleague Dawn Graber every time I talk to her. Her session, Embracing the Posture of Listening, is certain to help me be more present with my colleagues. Andrea and Scott Hackman are a dynamic pair and their session on Creating our Partnership of Helping will offer me the opportunity to think of my work as a partnership and not necessarily “answers or scientific insights” I can provide. Laurie Ferguson, a wonderful coach who works closely with DGI is going to speak about, Understanding our Service of Learning, and can help to elevate the notion of learning as a gift and not a task or a to do.

These sessions taught by experts are enveloped by amazing practitioners of Process Consulting. Mark Vincent and Lon Swartzentruber will be discussing Understanding the Fundamentals of the Inquiry and Process Consulting Approach which will lay the foundation of our time together and contextualize the sessions and application of listening, helping, and learning. At the end of the conference, we will be hearing from Peter Schein, who along with his father, Edgar Schein, will share insights into Humble Inquiry Approach to Understanding Organizational Culture. These beginnings and endings are a means of introduction to our learnings together and could provide more questions than answers as we participate in community over three days.

Personally, I didn’t have the need to read, What to Expect When you are Expecting, as we don’t have children. But, I am aware of the gift of access through listening, helping and learning that answers and access can provide.

When you see me at the conference, I hope you will say hello and ask how I am doing, and I promise to do the same.


Lukie Wells Headshot (300x300)

Lukie Wells

Senior Design Partner
Design Group International

ut yourself in an immersive environment. Visit an aquarium where you can be surrounded by fish. 

Lukie Wells
Post by Lukie Wells
October 21, 2024
