Feelings & Addictive Tendencies
by Dawn Y. Graber

Resiliency Self-Care Practices #4 and #5
- You may want to practice a helpful mantra to set the lens through which to deal with your feelings (Something like I am strong, I am able; or a favorite quote or a portion of a religious text that speaks life to you). Check out Angie's BOOMCHICKAPOP "Crush It!" positive I AM self-message. Let yourself hear YOUR voice describe out loud how you are CRUSHING IT today.
- Journaling is a suggested means for safe “purging” or releasing feelings in today’s pandemic. One helpful written exercise is to have a running conversation between you and your voice of wisdom. I make two columns and just start writing and then imagine in response to what I’ve written what God would say to me. Sometimes I start with that voice of wisdom writing down what comes to mind and respond in the ME column. The point is to identify your feelings and receive rejuvenation by meeting them. When you don’t know how to start begin with attention given to gratitude.
- Practicing creative space is healing balm to the soul. My daughter is drawing in coloring books with her young daughter. Some are cooking and creating new recipes. Can you get your hands dirty in some soil and work on that flower or vegetable bed while quarantined? My son is learning new songs on his guitar. I started participating in a 1000-piece puzzle our small family bubble began and I don't even like puzzles. But with a million swirling feelings inside me I've found a surprising calm when pulling up alongside the challenge as I begin the quest again for that certain puzzle piece - problem-solving a bit of that which is within my control.
- Answer the Addictive Personality Quiz honestly to assess whether you have a pre-disposed tendency to troubling addictions during this time of isolation.
- If you have addictive tendencies include an accountability partner in helping you navigate the disruption to your normal guardrails.
- Making and sticking to your schedule regardless of how one feels on any given day has found to be helpful especially to those with addictive tendencies.
- If you routinely have a glass of wine with dinner be mindful of what it might mean if you suddenly begin adding a drink at lunch. If you usually enjoy X, Y, or Z on a screen each day be mindful if you begin self-indulging in more free time activities than you intended. If you eat dessert once a weekend- don't all of a sudden allow yourself cookies at every meal. Not all these examples are automatic addiction problems but for those who have the tendency to obsess over their ‘thing’ don’t harm yourself or whittle away your productive capacity during this upending pandemic. Be mindful of your newly evolved habits and refrain from indulging too much in whatever your tendency may be. Be intentional with your choices.
Check out this helpful article by the Chief Clinical Officer of the Foundations Wellness Center, Justin Baksh, on the connection between anxiety, stress, and addictions. He offers step-by-step action plans to decrease negative tendencies during this time of Co-Vid 19.
YOU are the person for such a time as this. The threat of decreased donor engagement for our organizations, interrupted supply chains for our businesses, layoffs, distractions from mission focus, the steep learning curve to work as a team virtually, and the stress of an unknown timeframe for this pandemic to end has knocked us for a loop. But RESILIENCE promises us “...the ability to bring energy- mental, spiritual, physical and emotional energy- to our lives, and particularly to situations that are difficult...” (Ferguson, Laurie J, PhD)
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Non-Profit Leadership, Design Group International, Self-care, Managing Change, leadership, coaching, Transforming Influence, Effective Leadership, Coronavirus, Transforming Influence Blog
April 7, 2020